Team Setup
Team Representative
- Each team of two will have a “Representative” who will act as an unofficial coach. This is decided between the two members and once decided will DM one of the staff members who their rep is.
- If the team cannot come to an agreement on who will be the team rep then one of you have to DM a staff member who will then decide themselves who the rep will be
- Teams will have until February 6th at 11:59pm to pick their team Representative
- If no one comes forward as the team rep then it will be by default the first person on the team(So Participant 1-16)
- A Team Representatives responsibilities will be to:
- Post their teams draft pick ups, tests, and builds
- Have tie breaking power(but is expected to compromise with their partner and not abuse this power)
- Be the direct link between their team and the staff
- If one of the team members is having issue with their team rep, we will privately investigate and ask that the member catalogue all evidence of such behavior that we can also go over
Team Names
- Each team will have the opportunity to pick a team name for themselves as well by February 7th at 11:59pm
- These names must be appropriate. No curse words, sexual innuendos, slurs, or anything of the kind will be accepted or tolerated
- If a team cannot follow these guidelines then they will lose the opportunity to pick their team name as well as receive a strike
- The team representative will message a staff member their name
- If a team decides to not pick a name or have that privilege taken away, you will by default just be your team number
- I.e Team #6
- These names must be appropriate. No curse words, sexual innuendos, slurs, or anything of the kind will be accepted or tolerated