All-Star Games!

  • The All-Star Games stream will run two weeks after Week 9. It will feature two events, starting with the Sweeper Games and leading into the main event, the All-Star Battle!

Sweeper Games:

  • Each team will send one fighter to face a “gauntlet” of five of the weakest characters in the game in a 1v5 format. The selected fighters will fight to take out as many of the opponents as they can in hopes of sweeping them or dealing as much damage as they can before falling.

  • The sweeper games will be held on Cell Games Arena.


  • Each team will select one fighter to represent them in the Sweeper Games. There is no restriction on which character they select as long as the character is on the team’s roster.

  • Build for selected fighters will follow regular season rules.

  • The opposing team will consist of Frieza Soldier, Guldo, Appule, General Blue, and Babidi with no builds.

  • The goal is to try to defeat all of the above characters before the fighter’s own health runs out. If no one manages to sweep the 5-man team, the fighter who dealt the most bars of damage will be considered the Sweeper Games winner.

  • Damage will be tracked by counting how many bars of health a character has managed to take off of their opponents. If one of the opponents tags on a partial bar of health, that bar will be not be considered as damage done as tagging means they will heal it up. If a fighter falls after partially taking off a bar from their last opponent, that damage will still count towards their final score.

All-Star Battle:

  • The All-Stars of the league as voted on by the community will fight it out in a 5v5 Best of 3 matchup in the All-Star Games main event!


  • The coaches of the league are split into the two All-Star teams, Team Kami and Team Guru, in order to draft and build their respective teams. The coaches with the highest records in the league will act as the coaches for each team, with the highest record coach leading Team Kami and the second highest leading Team Guru. Any ties in record will be decided by team average damage. All other coaches will be randomized on each team.

  • The drafting process will be a snake draft that takes place during the All-Star break. Team Kami will have the first pick and Team Guru will have the second. Picks will alternate between the two teams from then on until both teams have their 5-man roster.

  • Team Guru will have their choice of map.

  • The teams will be built with regular playoff rules for a 5-man roster.

  • The two teams will fight it out in a 5v5 Best of 3 format to determine the All-Star Battle victors for the season.