
The following rules are mandatory. Failing to follow them will result in that team incurring a warning/penalty depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.

For minor offenses a warning will be incurred. If a team commits 3 minor offenses they will be penalized and not receive zeni for the week on which they incurred the third offense.

For major offenses the team will be penalized immediately and will not receive zeni for the week of the offense.

Make sure to include all parts from the template below when posting builds. Build postings do not have to look identical to the template, they just simply need to include the same parts. Use the template below as a guideline for what is required.

Do not abbreviate or create acronyms of potara names. While some are fairly well known, it still causes issues with builders. Please write them in your builds as they are written in the potara thread.

If you have a character that starts in a form other than base (eg: SSJs, Muscle Roshi, Third Form Frieza) please make sure to mention it with the character.

Place the potara cost after the potara name. Not only does this help you keep track of how many points you are using, but it also serves as a quick way the people doing set up can check over things to make sure all of the costs add up right.

FA Benched characters must be specified on FA Swap weeks.

If you are using the same build from one week to the next, please keep the potara order the same. When builds are set up we like to do them in the order that they appear in your builds. This cuts down on mistakes and makes it easier to double check the builds. That means, if you change the order of your potaras from one week to the next we might have to re-do the entire build to account for it. Not only does this cause a headache for the people setting up builds, but it also makes build checking take longer. NOTE – This is a staff preference. You will not get penalized for not following this.

DO NOT edit your teams builds after the deadline has passed. Regardless of what the edit was, the builds will be considered invalid since we have no way of confirming what the unedited builds were.

As a note, when specifying a characters AI potara if no potara is written down on a build, then it will be assumed that the character is using Default AI (no AI potara in the game).


Season x Week y - (Any title you want to give the week goes here)

Map (Only add for home team) Name of map and specific time of day if applicable here

Benches Weekly Bench: (Name of character here)

Boost Store List any boost store purchases here, with the cost next to them. This section is only needed if you are buying stuff from the store.

(Name of first character here) - (If you wish to nickname the character that goes here)
(If using any costume but the default, put it here)
Blue potara here (potara cost)
Yellow potaras here (potara cost)
Free potaras or limiters here (Free/Limiter)
Boost Store Purchases here (Boost)
AI here

(Name of second character here) - (If you wish to nickname the character that goes here)
(If using any costume but the default, put it here)
Blue potara here (potara cost)
Yellow potaras here (potara cost)
Free potaras or limiters here (Free/Limiter)
Boost Store Purchases here (Boost)
AI here

(Name of third character here) - (If you wish to nickname the character that goes here)
(If using any costume but the default, put it here)
Blue potara here (potara cost)
Yellow potaras here (potara cost)
Free potaras or limiters here (Free/Limiter)
Boost Store Purchases here (Boost)
AI here

(Name of fourth character here) - (If you wish to nickname the character that goes here)
(If using any costume but the default, put it here)
Blue potara here (potara cost)
Yellow potaras here (potara cost)
Free potaras or limiters here (Free/Limiter)
Boost Store Purchases here (Boost)
AI here

Do NOT write “first” “second” “third”, “opener”, “closer”, etc or any variation of that in your builds please. We just need the name of the character in those spots.

Example post

2020 Season Week 10

Ruined City (Evening)

Weekly Bench: Early Piccolo

Boost Store
Dragon Power (3z)
Attack +1 (4z)


SSJ1 End Goku
Costume 2
Attack +2 Defence -1 (1)
Light Body (1)
Serious! (1)
Dende’s Healing (2)
Mirage (1)
Master Strike (1)
Attack +1 (Boost)
Trunks AI

Kibito Kaioshin
Defense +2 Attack -1 (1)
Latent Energy (1)
Indignation (1)
Dende’s Healing (2)
Launch’s Support (2)
Dragon Power (Boost)
Tien AI

Costume 2
Ki +2 Super -1 (1)
Master Blast (1)
Launch’s Support (2)
Savior (1)
Quick Fast Attack (1)
Serious (1)
Krillin AI

Adult Gohan Base
Ki +1 (1)
Eternal Life (4)
Indignation (1)
Light Body (1)
Broly’s Ring (free)
Tien ai