Tournament of Power Rules
Generally speaking, the rules are the same as in the main league. However, the below will override the rules of the main league for our purposes.
- Any team with a character that can gain 2 or more health transformations in a starting form, must place a free broly’s ring on that character if they are using that form These Characters include:
- First Form Freeza
- Second Form Freeza
- Imperfect Cell
- Semi- Perfect Cell
- Any team with a character who can gain health by 1 or more health transformation or can gain health from a b2, ultimate, and or grab unless specifically noted will have their team banned from Eternal Life These Characters include
- 1st Form Cooler
- 3rd Form Freeza
- Imperfect Cell
- Semi Perfect Cell
- Supreme Kai(base)
- Android 13
Android 19, Android 20, Garlic Jr(Big Form), and Captain Ginyu do not ban their teams from Eternal life despite having a health grab, ultimate, and or b1.
- Any Super Saiyan may not start above SSJ1. The exceptions are
- GT Goku (He may start in any form from SSJ3 and below),
- SS4 Vegeta (since this is his only form)
- Other characters/forms that are BANNED in this event are
- Any character with a giant form (That has a permanent brick wall) may not start in that giant form. There are no exceptions.
- Adult Gohan
- Arale
- Majin Vegeta
- Nouva Shenron
- Perfect Cell and Super Perfect Cell(Must be Imperfect or Semi Perfect with a free broly’s ring)
- SSJ1 Broly as a starting form(Must start in base, but can transform)
- Ultimate Gohan
- Any character with a cutscene ultimate may not have “Savior” in their starting form. This refers to any unblockable ultimate that connects if any part of the blast hits you. The rule currently applies only to the following characters:
- End Goku (Base)
- Goten (SSJ1)
- Forms of characters are not considered to be separate characters. The exceptions are:
- Videl/Saiyawoman – They have also been modded to be unable to transform into the other.
- The following characters are banned from Master Blast and Rush Blast 2 due to their rush blast volleys doing more than 3000. They may still use Rush Blast 3 though.
- SS4 Vegeta
- Mid Vegeta
- End Vegeta
- Scouter Vegeta
- Super Gogeta
- Frieza (only applies if he starts in 3rd form)
- Vegito (base form)
- Fusions are illegal in this event. If you have both characters who can fuse, then both of them will be forced to have a free broly’s ring on them. This includes:
- GT Goku and SSJ4 Vegeta
- End Goku and End Vegeta
- Goten and Kid Trunks