2021 Season Timeline

  • Sign Up Sheet: December 18th - January 1st
    • There will be a 1 week sign up period to give supporters/viewers priority to join in the event adequate time to do so.
    • Everyone can sign up at the same time but will be inputting the supporters/viewers during that week period. Everyone else will be inputted during the 2nd week.
  • Team Banners: January 1st - January 8th
    • In your assigned team channels, @ Kaio or Donut and tell them if your team wants to have your team banner made for you by our Graphics team, or if you’re going to create your own.
    • If you are making your own, please make the dimensions 2000 x 650 and have it sent to the ToP staff by February 12th
  • Team Name: January 1st - January 15th
    • Each team will be given ample time to determine what they would like their team to be called during the streamed matches.
  • Drafting: January 9th - January 23rd (End Date Tentative)
    • The Snake Draft will be held for approximately 2 weeks to ensure every team has enough time to select their characters. Each team will get 24 hours per pick but will be encouraged to be quicker. You can find the draft board here.
  • Testing: January 23rd (Start Date Tentative) - March 10th
    • During this time, teams will be able to submit test requests in order to prepare for the event.
    • You can find the testing rules on our discord in the top-rules-and-resources channel
    • Testing starts when drafting ends
  • Preliminaries: February 17th - March 12th
    • This portion of the event will last 4 weeks and will determine the seeding for the Main Event Tournament. Builds will be due the Thursday before each stream
    • The Matches will occur as follows:
      • Week 1: February 19th
        • The form you choose for your characters in week 1 will be the form they are locked into for the rest of the event.
      • Week 2: February 26th
      • Week 3: March 5th
      • Week 4: March 12th
  • Main Event Tournament: March 26th - April 16th
    • This portion of the event will occur 2 weeks after the Preliminary Tournament has concluded and will last 4 weeks. Builds will be due the Thursday before each stream.
    • The Matches will occur as follows:
      • Playoffs Week 1: March 26th
      • Playoffs Week 2: April 2nd
      • Playoffs Semifinals: April 9th
      • Playoffs Finals and Bronze Match: April 16th