
The Gauntlet is one the major league events each season. It involves Division teams fighting off against the very toughest opponents Budokai Tenkaichi 3 has to offer. Each round is progressively more difficult, with the 4th round being an “anything goes” level of difficulty. The challenge comes from the fact that the teams built by league participants will have restrictions near to the level of the main league. The only advantage the league teams get is that for rounds 1-3, they will know the builds in advance. Round 4 builds will always be kept a mystery unless a team reaches the 4th round.

Note that Free Agents are not allowed to participate in this event.

Gauntlet specific build rules

  • The teams built will be 5 character teams.
  • The build point limit is increased to 8 points. Limiters in use during the season also carryover.
  • if desired, the gauntlet teams may designate one character to “Shatter the Limit”.
    • This means that any/all restrictions normally on them are removed.
      • For example, that character may use any form (GT Goku starting in SSJ4), Potara (such as using EL if Cell starts in base form), etc. they wish.
    • However, that character’s build is limited to 5 pts and the potaras they use may not be used on any other member of the team.
  • The following potaras are now allowed for the gauntlet only:
    • Water Blessing (4) - The effects of EL, and High Tension while underwater (Normally 1 pt, counts as 4pts, max 1 per team, does not count to EL limit)
    • Satisfying Blow (3) - Your Supers ignore the effects of brick walls, and you get Ki -1 (Normally 1 pt, counts as 3 pts, max 1 per team)
    • Master Roshi’s Training (2) - Gain 10k max HP (Max 1 per team)
    • 18’s kiss (5) - Gain dragon homing and vanishing attack +2 (Normally 7 pts, counts as 5 pts)
    • Medical Machine (7) - The effects of EL, and High Tension. Also heal faster when rotated out. (Max 1 per team, does not count to EL limit)
  • Note that Eternal Life and B1 potara bans carryover here. So a character banned from Eternal Life may not use Water Blessing or Medical Machine.
    • However, you can use the Shatter the limit build to bypass these restrictions. In the case of Medical Machine, this will be the entirety of your build. As of now, only Medical Machine can be used in this way.

Creating the league’s teams

To create the team, one character from each of the four teams in a division are chosen, along with a second character from any of the teams, creating a five-player team for each division. However, rather than have a team decide on their own Gauntlet character, the other teams in their division will decide for them.

For example, in a Kai comprised of the Earth Defenders, Cold Kingdom, Buujins and Androids, Cold Kingdom would have NO SAY in who goes from their team to the Gauntlet. The Earth’s Defenders, Androids and Buujins will decide. Once those teams have decided, then all four teams can collaborate on that players build.

The fifth member can be chosen in collaboration by all 4 teams.

Gauntlet teams

Round 1 The Super Saiyans

The Super Saiyans start us off as a team who ascended to the gauntlet because they were too strong as a team for main season competition.

The rules of these builds will be as follows:

  • All builds will be 7 points.
  • Any blue or yellow potara legal to use in the main league can be used, but no red potaras are allowed.
  • No duplication of blue potaras.
  • Yellow potaras have their normal usage limit.
    • Eternal Life has one use, but Savior could be used twice.
  • The relevant Savior/Master blast restrictions are not applicable, as these did not exist when the Super Saiyans joined the gauntlet.
  • The Super Saiyans may start in any Super Saiyan form.

Round 2 Team Fusion

These fighters can fuse during the fight and must start in a form that can initiate fusion.

The rules of these builds are as follows:

  • All builds will be 10 points.
  • Normal character build restrictions do not apply.
  • Any blue or yellow potara can be used, but no red potaras are allowed.
  • No duplication of blue potaras.
  • Yellow potaras have their normal usage limit.
    • Eternal Life has one use, but Savior could be used twice.

Round 3 The Overpowered

The combination of Characters, Potaras, AIs, and Starting Forms which have been banned due to being too powerful. 3 Fighters) -

The rules of these builds will be as follows:

  • All builds will be 15 points.
  • All builds have a free King Kai’s Training.
  • Normal character build restrictions do not apply.
  • Any blue or yellow potara can be used, but no red potaras are allowed.
  • Duplication of blue potaras is allowed.
  • Yellow potaras have no usage limit.

Round 4 (The ???, 5 Fighters) -

The rules of these builds will be as follows:

  • Each character will be given Strength Enhancement, increasing their health to 70k.
  • Red potaras are allowed.
  • No build point limitations exist.
  • Any potara may be used as frequently as necessary.
  • to increase the challenge, this team will only be revealed if reached by a gauntlet team.

Gauntlet Team builds: