League-wide Rules

  • Any team with a healing grab rotated in that week is banned from Eternal Life
    • Characters with these moves include:
      • Cell (Base, Semi-Perfect forms)
  • Teams with 2 or more healing transformations are banned as a team from Eternal life. For teams with only 1 healing transformation, only the character with the transformation is banned from Eternal Life
    • Teams currently impacted:
      • Androids (Cell)
      • Cold Kingdom (Frieza and Cooler)
  • Which Super Saiyan a character may start in is handled on a case by case basis. These characters may start above SSJ1.
    • GT Goku (He may start in any form from SSJ3 and below),
    • SS4 Vegeta (since this is his only form)
    • Adult Gohan
  • For contestable characters, there is a 6 test minimum that a team must complete before they can pick up a character. Note this only applies to characters who were available for pickup from the start of the off season.
    • Example: Budokai must have a minimum of 6 tests before they can pick up Videl or Roshi if they were not on a team the previous season.

    • Example where this does not apply: If Androids drops Super 17 during drop/add, GT does NOT need to do 6 tests before trying to pick him up.

  • Any character with a giant form (That has a permanent brick wall) may not start in that giant form. There are no exceptions.

  • Any character with a cutscene ultimate may not have “Savior” in their starting form. This refers to any unblockable ultimate that connects if any part of the blast hits you. The rule currently applies only to the following characters:
    • End Goku (Base)
    • Goten (SSJ1)
    • Adult Gohan (SSJ1)
  • Forms of characters are not considered to be separate characters. The exceptions below have also been modded to allow them to be in the same lineup :
    • Adult Gohan/Saiyaman.
      • They have also been modded to be unable to transform into the other.
    • Videl/Saiyawoman
      • They have also been modded to be unable to transform into the other.
  • Characters with strong rush blast (RB) volleys may have some level of restriction from Master Blast and Rush Blast 2.
    • The first level of restriction bans the combination of Attack+ blue potaras and Master Blast/Rush Blast 2. This is referred to as a partial ban.
    • The second level of restriction bans the character entirely.
  • The characters who have some level of restriction have these stats related to their rush blasts:
Single RB Damage # of RBs in a volley
320 10
340 9-10
360 8-9
380 7-8
400 6-7
420 5-6
440 4-5
460 3-4
  • The following characters have a partial Master Blast/Rush Blast 2 restriction.
    • Dabura
    • Majin Vegeta
    • Scouter Vegeta
    • Mid Vegeta (SSJ2)
    • Syn Shenron
  • The following characters have a full ban from Master Blast/Rush Blast 2
    • SS4 Vegeta
    • Mid Vegeta (Base & SSJ1)
    • End Vegeta (All Forms)
    • Nuova Shenron
    • Super Gogeta
    • Frieza (3rd form)
  • We do not allow for private testing by our supporters when it comes to gleaning data about the AI (but if you wish, you can become an authorized tester).
    • If you can’t get the data from the base game directly, you can check these sources:
      • this website
      • the Discord
      • the Youtube channels (the main channel and testing channel)
      • the player calculator
      • asking staff members.
    • If you have to get the data from the game, we ask the following
      • Don’t try to glean AI data if testing on your own.
      • Let a staff member know before starting. This just helps us stay in the loop.
      • Please help the community as a whole by sharing your work, and if possible showing it. This way everyone benefits.