Player trading

In addition to our drop add window, teams may also initiate direct trades to swap players directly and not have to compete for characters during drop/add.


  1. Characters traded between team must be on both teams Master Lists.
  2. Staff reserves the right to veto trades if we believe this will make a team OP.
  3. Trading can be between multiple teams, not just 2 teams. But the character must end up on a team where they are on the Master List.
  4. Zeni may not be used in permanent trades.
  5. Teams must discuss the trading plans in the appropriate Discord channel. Any trade posted to the trade confirmation channel without discussion will be summarily dismissed.

In addition to permanent trades, teams may make temporary, 1 season trades.

  1. Characters can be bought from other teams for a single season, and normal trading rules apply. The main exceptions is that zeni may be used, and that a maximum of 4 teams may be involved in temporary trades.
  2. At the end of the season, the characters will return to the team they originated from.
  3. This would require both teams to still swap one character each but whichever team gives up the higher tier character will be given zeni by the other team to compensate.
  4. However, in cases where the characters are of roughly equal value, zeni may not necessarily be spent.

The zeni system for loans will have staff setting a maximum zeni that teams can offer to prevent strong teams from renting out a weak or mid tier character for enough zeni to get the strongest of FAs. Teams would then negotiate amongst themselves to land on a fair zeni price. For 4 way loans, only 3 zeni may be involved at any given step of the loan process, for example, Team A may give Team B 3 zeni, Team B may give Team C 2 zeni, and Team C may give Team D no zeni, but Team A can not give 4 zeni to Team B. Loans with less teams involved may use a higher zeni total.

As with all trades though if staff feels the trade is too one sided we will reserve the right to veto.