Potara Rules and Restrictions

Generally speaking, we follow the same rules as the main league. The legal potaras can be found here.

A core change is that all characters will have a free Master Roshi’s Training potara for an extra bar of health. This means you can only have 6 potaras in a given build.

ToP Specific changes

  • These potaras also fall under the “one per team” limitation (in addition to what the main league restricts)
    • Style of the Strong
    • Savior
  • Healing changes
    • If you have 2 Dende’s Healing, you may not use Eternal Life
    • If you use Eternal Life, you may not use Dende’s Healing

Potara cost changes

The biggest change is that for the purposes of the ToP, a number of potaras have had their costs adjusted.

Potara Cost for ToP
Emperor’s Aura 3
Dragon Dash Mastery 2
Draconic Aura 2
Sparking Plus 2
Miracle Sparking 2
Dragon Heart 1
Essence of Sight 1
Gigantic Power 1
Guard Master 1
Ki Control 1
Miracle Master 1
Warrior’s Lineage 1
Indomitable Fighting Spirit 1