DBZL Boss Rush

The DBZL Boss Rush is an event intended to mimic the hardcore nature of the Gauntlet, but in a compressed time frame. Like the Gauntlet, it is intended to provide a challenge that goes well beyond normal league legal builds.

This will be a 1 round event, with the difficulty set to be approximately between rounds 3 and 4 of the Gauntlet. Each character in the boss rush lineup will be of increasing strength, both with respect to the builds themselves, and that characters will progressively have more and more health. While we will be keeping the exact builds secret for now to further increase the difficulty, you can check the available red potaras on the League Legal Potaras to see what options are available for use.

Much like the Gauntlet, each Kai will select a 5-man group to participate as a team. However, builds will no longer have potara usage limitations. If your Kai wants to use Eternal Life on 5 characters, no problem! The main limitation is that character based limitations still apply (so if Android 13 was Muscle’s representative, 13 will still be banned from Eternal Life; additionally, if your team has multiple characters with healing transformations, only the respective characters are banned from Eternal Life, not the team as a whole).

One thing to note - the extra build rules the Gauntlet provided, such as 8 point builds or event specific potaras will not be carried over.

However, there are 2 special rules for this event :

1) Redline - gives access to 1 of the following potaras for 4 points on a team (limit of 1 of any of these per team). If used on characters who can fuse, fusion will be disabled.

  • Max Stat (ie, Stat +4 and the corresponding “stat up as health decreases” effect, like Serious or Indignation)
  • Ultimate warrior 1
  • B1 master
  • Overflowing Ki
  • Extreme Hand to hand
  • Extreme Defense
  • Extreme Blast
  • Complete Ki Control

2) Enhanced Power - grants 1 use of Master Roshi’s Training to a team - 2 points. If used on a fusion character, fusion will be disabled.

Of course, the Boss Rush teams have been adjusted to compensate.