Every player has 7 points with which to customize. Below is a list of abilities and an explanation of what they do. They are grouped by how many points they cost. Look over them and start debating with your team how to best use them. If you have any question about what something does, by all means ask, and we will do our best to help.
Potara Rules
- Unless otherwise specified, all potaras are restricted to 2 per team.
- Restricted to one per team: Eternal Life, Style of the Strong, any blue potara
- “utility” potaras have no such restriction. These include
- Aura change
- Broly’s Ring
- Flight
Blue potaras are restricted to one per player
To keep Defense in-line with the other potaras, you may only use two Defense potaras in any combination.
- Demonic Bargain, Ultra Divine Water, and Demon Seal may not be stacked together.