Off-season schedule

The offseason is comprised of several components:

  • Testing period
  • Coach tryouts
  • Trading window
  • Drop/add
  • Seasonal Bidding

Additionally, staff will announce any rule changes or balance changes as early into the off-season as possible.

Testing period

Teams may only test during the off-season, and will continue up through the pre-season. The testing rules can be found here.

Coach tryouts

As noted in the coach’s rules, coaching is a seasonal position. As such, most coaches will be selected during the off-season.


Trades, whether permanent or temporary, may only occur during the off-season. Rules can be found here.


This is the period when teams can change their base roster for the season. At this time, teams must as declare which forms of characters will be used, if applicable. As a side effect, a select number of unused forms may be used as Free Agents.

  • For example, Cold Kingdom must declare which form Frieza and Cooler will be in at this time.

After drop/add completes, staff will determine the free agent list and free agent costs.

For contestable characters, there is a 6 test minimum that a team must complete before they can pickup a character. Note this only applies to characters who were available for pickup from the start of the off season.

Example: Budokai must have a minimum of 6 tests before they can pickup Videl or Roshi if they were not on a team the previous season.

Example where this does not apply: If Androids drop Super 17, GT does NOT need to do 6 tests before trying to pick him up.

Seasonal Bidding

This is when teams will bid on their team’s seasonal free agent and home map using their zeni. Team themes will be made available on a first come first serve basis.

Free Agent (FA) Bidding:

  • Free Agent Bidding is required. If you do not bid then your Free Agent will be randomized between the characters your team can afford at the end of the bidding period.
  • Free Agent starting prices are the minimum bid needed to try to grab that character.
  • Once you make a bid, you cannot bid on another Free Agent until you no longer have the highest bid on said Free Agent.
    • I.E. If Cold puts a bid on Babidi, Cold cannot put a bid on any other Free Agent until they are outbid for Babidi
  • If you are trying to bid on a Free Agent who already has a bid on them, you must place a higher bid
  • There are no ties in Free Agent bidding. -I.E. Sentai and GT both have 30 zeni each. If Sentai goes all in on Pikkon with 30 Zeni before GT does, GT can no longer get Pikkon because they cannot bid higher on it
  • Bidding will end by the due date, or if every team is locked into a Free Agent
  • Other FA specific rules can be found on the page for Free Agent Rules

Map Bidding:

  • Map bidding is required. If you do not bid, then your map will be randomized between the maps that have no bids on them
  • Unlike FA bidding, the first bid on any map is free
    • I.E. If Royals wants to bid on Hyperbolic Time Chamber and there’s no current bid on it, their first bid can be free if they want it to be.
  • Once you bid on a Map, you cannot bid on another map until you no longer have the highest bid on said map
    • I.E. If Cold puts a bid on Hyperbolic Time Chamber, then they cannot bid on any other map until their bid on Hyperbolic Time Chamber is outbid.
  • If you want to bid on a map that already has a bid on it, you must place a higher bid.
  • There are no ties in map bidding
    • I.E. Sentai and GT both have 2 zeni each by map bidding. If Sentai goes all in on Broly’s Planet with their 2 zeni, GT can no longer get Broly’s Planet because they can’t bid higher on it
  • Bidding will end by the due date, or if every team is locked into a map