The Tournament of Power
- What is This Event?
- This is a snake draft style event that will go through two, 4 week tournaments
- The first tournament will be a swiss tournament which will act as a way to decide seeding for the play off tournament
- The second tournament will be single elimination
- You can find a more in depth explanation of the tournament format here.
- You can also find a link to a visual example of the tournaments there
- The Tournament will NOT be on the main league AI but will still be somewhat similar
- How Will Signups Work?
- There will be a total of 16 teams made up of at most 2 people
- These teams will draft 3 different characters who will all have a point based value
- The sign ups for teams will firstly put 1 person to each of the 16 team slots
- Then if there are more people we will start adding one more person to each of those teams
- Example
- You CANNOT request to be someone’s specific partner and you CANNOT sign someone else up other then yourself
- There is also priority in the sign up process which is
- Supporters/Viewers
- Coaches
- Main League Staff
- Event Staff
- There is also priority in the sign up process which is
- Everyone can sign up at the same time, but the process of actually being put on teams will go in that order.
- To ensure that all viewers/supporters have an opportunity to sign up, they will have a week(January 16th - January 23rd) to sign up.
- After that we will roll in coaches, main league staff, and event staff onto teams
- You will NOT have a private discord channel with your partner(if you have one)
- All communication between you and your partner should be in DM’s or your preference of choice
- This event also includes Potara cost changes!
- Our staff felt that there are many under used potara’s that could find more usage had their point values been reduced.
- We made these cost changes on whether or not their ability to potentially become “broken” or “unhealthy” for this 3 man event. So some potara’s that are under used, didn’t get their costs reduced because of that
- You can specifically find these changed potara costs here
Each team will be given up to 3 tests before the preliminaries start. You can find the testing rules here
- Lastly there is an additional ban list to this event of characters that are legal within the main league, but are not in this event and can find them here
- We felt banning these characters was necessary due to their kits providing a power ceiling that could consistently make them able to run through the majority of most teams on their own in this drafting format
- How Will the Snake Draft Work?
- A snake draft is a drafting style that works by putting every team in a number order(in this case 1-16) and each team will have their turn to draft a character when it becomes their turn
- Round 1 will start at team #1 and end at team #16
- Round 2 will start at team #16 and end at team #1
- Round 3 will start at team #1 and end at team #16
- You have a MAX TOTAL of 15 Points
- Your over team point value cannot exceed 15 points so be cautious when drafting a high price character
- The Draft order will be randomized after all teams have been organized
- Every legal character has a point value given by us ranging from 1-9 points
- Each team has a cap total of 15 points
- Unlike the minors league of the old league, you can hypothetically draft any character even if they are on your main league team
- The way you will draft your characters is after you and your partner decide or compromise on a character pick, the team representative will then post in the specified discord channel your teams pick with the cost and it will then be updated in the Draft Board
- The Draft Opens on February 7th and teams will have 24 hours to make their pick, but we will encourage all to make their decisions with haste
- The staff will then @ the team members when it’s their turn in the draft
- Before Drafting be sure to also look at League Wide Rules and our Potara rules as not all the general and specific rules are the same as they are in the main league.
- How Will Builds Be Submitted?
- Because no teams will have a discord chatroom, this also means there won’t be a builds chatroom
- Builds will be submitted by the Team Representative DM’ing their builds to Enemy Controller by the Thursday before each Saturday Stream
- You are expected to follow the same build format as DBZL
- How Will Maps Be Decided?
- There will be no home maps in this event
- Each week the staff will take a handful of maps and randomize them, then from that whichever map is chosen will then be used by every match for that entire round
- I.e Lets say Planet was the map that was randomly chosen, that map would then be used for all of round 1
- A new map will be randomized every sunday and then announced
- The Finals will be on the Cell Games
- The list of maps that could potentially be picked from are:
- City Ruins
- Desert
- Dying Namek
- Glacier
- Hell
- Hyperbolic Time Chamber
- Islands
- Kame House
- Kami’s Lookout
- Kings Castle
- Mount Paozu
- Muscle Tower
- Outer Space
- Penguin Village
- Planet
- Planet Namek
- Supreme Kai’s World